Hugs New Hire InfoWelcome to the Hugs Team! We are so glad you are joining this awesome community. In preparation for your first-day, we have a few questions for you. Thanks for getting this back to us quickly.Name First Last How would you like your name to appear on your nametag?How would you like your name to appear on your business cards?Would you like to print your cell phone on your business card? yes noWhat is your cell phone # for your business card?What shirt size would you prefer? Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large XXX-LargePlease provide a short Bio for the website3 or 4 sentences is great"About Me"We want to get to know you a little better. Don't overthink these answers!Favorite Color:Favorite Places to Shop:Favorite music/artists:Favorite restaurants:Favorite drinks:Favorite sports teams:Favorite candy:Favorite authors/books:What makes you feel valued at work?What are some traits in your "boss" that you appreciate?What do you think is your "biggest motivation" in life?no need to do a cliche answer...we want to know the real you!Any allergies? Food sensitivities or preferences?Anything you DON'T want or REALLY dislike?