
Crowdfunding: Week #1

Wow…just, wow…

There are no words for how we feel right now. This past week has been an absolute whirlwind, highlighted by an overwhelming feeling of love.  Love from our friends and family.  Love from the community.  Love from people all over the world who support our cause.

That’s the only way to describe it, LOVE.

We’re now, officially, one week into our online crowdfunding campaign and (depending on when you’re reading this) we’re just under $15,000.  That’s 30% of our goal in the first week! That is absolutely incredible and we have to say thanks to you, our incredible supporters.  Your contributions have been coming in steadily all week and we’re closer than ever before to opening our first location!


Here’s where it gets tough though.  Before we opened our crowdfunding campaign, we did A LOT of research (seriously, our Marketing Director Jared was reading articles, magazines and books like you wouldn’t believe) and here’s what we learned.  Weeks 2 and 3 are the hardest part of online crowdfunding.  But there is some good news; you can help us blow this out of the water!

Fundraiser of Dreams

We’re asking our supporters for one more favor.  Help us share our story!  We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again, every penny counts.  Share our link (www.crowdrise.com/ourfirstlocation) with 12 of your friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors or anyone else you know.  If you post it, they will donate.  Seriously, it’s that easy. (Kevin Costner not included)

You can even start your own fundraiser on our page (www.crowdrise.com/hugscafe) to track how much your friends and family are donating.  In fact, we might just have ourselves and good ol’ fashioned competition next week.  Check back for more soon!

Help us share our story!

We wanted to thank each and every one of you for your support so far.  What we’re doing is truly amazing and it’s all because of you!  We’re making this happen and you’re directly responsible for it.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Have a wonderful Sunday,

Hugs Cafe