
Press Clippings

We’re now two weeks into our online crowdfunding campaign and boy has it been a wild ride!  We’re over 1/3 of the way there and have just two weeks left to finish raising the money we need to open our first Hugs Cafe!  Just in case you missed it, here are a few people who are just as excited about Hugs Cafe as we are!

McKinney Living Magazine

Our first story!  What an awesome piece by the folks at McKinney Living Magazine who helped us launch our online fundraising campaign and promote our concert!

McKinney Magazine

Johnny B Radio Show on 97.5 KLAK

Following our story in McKinney Living Magazine, our new friend at 97.5 KLAK had our Founder and President Ruth on the show for a great segment promoting our concert and fundraising campaign.  Once we get the audio, we’ll be sure to share it here with you!

Jordan Spieth

After getting in touch with the Jordan Spieth Family Foundation, they not only donated to our fundraising campaign, they even wrote a story about us on their website and shared it with Jordan’s 200,000+ followers on Facebook!



Ruth & Teammates

CBS 11

After hearing about our partnership with the Jordan Spieth Family Foundation, Guy Rawlings of CBS 11 stopped by our future location and shot this incredible story!




Emily Ellyn

After meeting her about a year ago, former contestant on Next Food Network Star, Emily Ellyn, gave us a great shout on her Twitter feed to thousands of new fans!

Emily Ellyn


Dallas Morning News

While we don’t have anything to share with you YET we will!  Our new friend and writer for the Dallas Morning News, Kristen Taketa, is putting together an incredible piece on Hugs Cafe and we can’t wait to see it!  Keep an eye on this one, she’s going places!


Upon hearing about our story, NBC 5’s Bianca Castro contacted us to do a story on Hugs Cafe and how we’re changing the community.  She too is putting together a story about Hugs Cafe which isn’t quite ready to share yet.  The moment it’s ready. we’ll post it online!


This one hasn’t happened yet, but Ruth is on her way to see the folks at KRLD who are excited about our story and can’t wait to share it with their listeners!  Tune in on Wednesday the 29th to hear more!

To wrap it all up, let’s not forget what we’re working on here:

Ruth Hair

What an incredible 2 weeks it’s been.  If you know of anyone else who might want to hear or share our story, let us know.  In the meantime, keep the donations coming to www.crowdrise.com/ourfirstlocation!